Monday, May 28, 2007

What a 'castly' thing we let slip away

The laary driver is completely aware of the caste system that haunts our nation and intends to compare the times we are facing with the time in his watch. He wants to cast away the differences and naat waste his time aan such mundane issues.

With Gaad's Graay's.... Aall aar phyne..

I understand nowadays that priests are pretty cool about temples and stuff. Evident here. Cho Chweet to call their place of work a "TEMPIE"...

Miss-Spell-tt or Miss- Hunder-should..?

Hmmm.... I forgot to ask him the rates of his holes. Especially considering he might have a good variety of 'em since the holes get stored.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Whats in a name? #1

The name describes everything. Its like 'Sex and the City'.

Location: Bangalore Railway Station. (Forgotten which platform)

English Grammar Coaching:

Lesson #1
The common noun can be used as a proper noun.

Long live English. Long live the Queen.

Shown everything... except the mother's tongue

Location: In one of the dvd rental shop in CHENNAI.

Every dog has its day for being "not allowed".

Food served only during jams. Foods other than jam.

Pythogaros axiom of occasionality equivalence:
Every occasion has an equivalent place to eat.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Please sea this photograph

Eye will comment on this late her.

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